Monday, September 20, 2010

The Skate Park

My 9 year old son's new obsession is the skate park.  Every night he asks multiple times if we will take him.  It is a good thing he has a nice Dad otherwise he would never get to go.  One night last week when I wasn't working I joined them.  I actually had a good time watching the kids play and also enjoyed watching the older kids/boys do tricks.

The girl's have a lot of fun too

There is one part of the skate park that just looks like an empty swimming pool.  Now I am a big wuss and this "hole" completely terrified me and made me realize just how old I am.  I was scared that if I fell in I would just have to stay there because there is no possible way I could get out.

But Cam loved it and he really did pretty good for really having no clue what he is doing.

So the skate park really isn't so bad and it is something that all the kids can do.  So it looks like I am going to be drug there a lot in the future.