Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Scrapbook Expo

The Scrapbook Expo is held twice a year at the South Towne Center and my sisters and I always get tiogether for the fun event.  We moved to Utah 8 years ago and with 2 a year I have only missed one Expo.  I always have a ton of fun and enjoy spending the time with my family.  This year it was my sisters Tracy, Carla and my Mom.

My Mom brought her knitting. While she does enjoy scrapbooking she is not as much of a diehard as the rest of us and she wanted to stay busy.  Here she is making me a hat.  (See mom, I called it on my blog so it has to be mine!)

We had a lot of fun!  Only 6 more months till the next one!


Me said...

Dang wish I was there :( Looks super fun!