Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Even though I still can't believe how quickly it came, Christmas morning was a very fun and busy morning.  Santa must not have paid to close to our kid's behavior becasue they were spoiled and not so sure they deserved to be.  This is what Santa brought.





Not to mention all of the other gifts from parents, grandparents, cousins and siblings. 

Here is the traditional line up on the stairs.  I remember growing up it was always youngest to oldest on the stairs as well so seeing this line always reminds me of the anticipation I used to feel at this moment and how excited I was.

I think Paul likes his present!

For breakfast we made cinnamon rolls.  I would love to say that these were from scratch but I was tired so they came right out of the tube.  But it ended up being perfect.  We usually make a big breakfast on Christmas morning and then no one eats it and I am even more tired, so the cinnamon rolls were perfect becasue they
took no prep time and easy to grab one when you got hungry.

After all the presents are opened and my house looks like a disaster zone I like to take a break and think of all of the many blessings I have.  I am so thankful for this time of year.


Karen Melander said...

Looks like you guys made out pretty good. Looks like lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Looks like this Christmas season you were all blessed by the Lord and Santa! Looks like you had a great day! Merry Christmas!