Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 3

All the cousins!
The Birthday Kids

Scary me after sledding

Sledding with my sister

Just cute ol' Liza
Day 3 was a lot like the first couple of days. We sled, we swam and we ates lots of food. Are you noticing a pattern here? This time we went to the big hill to sled. This hill is a ton of fun to slide down but it is deffinately a hike to come back up. I only went down twice because I am such a weenie.
After dinner we had a birthday party for 3 of the cousins who had a birthday all within a week of each other. It was really loud, and when I say really loud that doesn't even really say how loud it was. We had 3 yummy cakes, and a couple presents for each kid. It was a great party.