Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Caydee & Alex

My oldest niece on my husbands side got married on the 13th of August.  

I have to say they are just the cutest couple (besides Paul and I that is).

After the temple ceremony they had a dinner at the church right behind the temple.  It was a very fun evening.  After the dinner we all got to blow horns and bubbles as they left. 

The next night was their reception.  I can't believe what they did with the church gym.  It was gorgeous and I wish I had gotten a picture. 

At the close of the night they cut the cake and Caydee through the bouquet.  And guess what!  Morgan caught the bouquet!  Morgan was thrilled!  

 All I have to say is it better be a long time before she is a bride.  So if she is the next to get married I hope the rest of the girls in the family are prepared to wait 20 more years till they can get married!