Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Fun Sewing Day

A couple weekends ago my mom and my sisters got together for a fun sewing day.  Usually we do scrapbook days so it was a lot of fun to do something a little different.  Carla found a very cute pattern for a bag so we all decided to give it a go.  I jsut love all of the fabrics everyone picked out and all of the bags turned out sooo cute!

Carla's bag

My mom's bag


Tracy's bag

My bag

We had so much fun putting these bags together!  Afterwards Carla, my mom and I went to dinner at Red Lobster.  MMMMM  that was so yummy!!  My mom agreed!

(sorry mom)


Barbra said...

Oh, Katie. You are in so much trouble! I loved all of the pictures, except me!

Susan said...

That is a way cute purse. Now you need to teach me. I am a purse person so making my own would be awesome.

Liz said... girls are an extremely talented bunch! I love all the bags you made and would even order one if any of you started selling them...(hint, hint)!

P.S. I love the picture of your mom!!!