Friday, May 21, 2010

A Weekend Project (plus a couple days)

A couple weekends ago Paul decided that it was time to redo the roof on our poor shed.  There were water spot on the ceiling inside and sever of the shingles had began to fall off.  We had been toying with the idea of getting a new larger shed the last couple years but we could just never find the extra money for it so he decided to just save this one.

Cam got in on the help as well.  Cam had a blast working on the shed with his dad and he turned out to be a lot of help.

It took 2 days to redo the roof and when the boys were just about done we decided that we should paint it too.  We have hated the ugly blue and its bad when people can spot your house from the road because of something that is in your backyard!   So just to refresh your memory this is the ugly blue.

The whole family got in on the painting and we really had a lot of fun.  We had a pair of shoes that ended up with more pain on them the the entire shed, but it was really fun to all work together.

We got all but the trim finished on Saturday.  I was going to finish the trim up wither Monday or Tuesday but it rained and was cold for a lot of the week.  So the trim didn't get painted till the next Saturday.  But look how pretty it is all finished.

Both Paul and I are amazed at how well it looks!  (I am not as amazed because I picked the colors and I KNEW how awesome it would look.)