Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Poor Cam got his face ran over

Me in my Snuggie - you really can wear them everywhere!!

We had really good seats. There was only was row in front of us

Poor Cam was pooped. We weren't even out of the parking lot and he was out.

A couple weekends ago we got to go the Supercross race here in Salt Lake City. Hubby and Cam were very excited. I was excited just to get out of the house. We went with some good friends, Josh & Ashley Grant. The funny thing is one of the racer's name is Josh Grant. So of course we had to cheer for him. The races were a lot of fun and really loud.


Kahre Family said...

Did Cam really get run over??? It looks more like it was painted on, but it is a cool effect for a motocross!!! (okay you can laugh now and call me naieve)...

Also Jessica has a snuggie and LOVES IT. She talked grammy Terri into giving it to her while we were visiting on vacation... She sleeps with her snuggie instead of blankets on her bed!!!

Liz said...

I found your blog through your comment on Facebook. I hope it's alright if I blog stalk you...I'm so addicted to blogging that it's silly!
I can't believe how fast your kids are growing. It seems like yesterday you were giving me rides to seminary and stuff!!