Monday, November 22, 2010

Hair Cuts

So all of my girls have been needing a haircut but Allie was definitely the one that needed it the most.  Her hair had grown out very uneven and she was beginning to look like an unloved orphan child.  So i pulled out the scissors and had a go.


I was actually pretty proud of myself.  I don't think I did too bad!  It was actually even and everything.


So then of course Morgan wanted her hair cut too.  I don't know what it is but I have a thing for long hair and I love Morgan's long blonde hair.  She loves her hair cut to her shoulders so I took a deep breath and went again.


Again, I am the bomb if I do say so myself!

(after - a little harder to tell but it is to her shoulders)

Liza came running upstairs when Morgan was done because that meant it was her turn (I guess).  She tried really hard to convince me that she wanted her hair shorter then Allie.  But like I said before I LOVE long hair, even though I don't know why.  It is not like I take the time to do beautiful styles with their hair everyday.  It is a good day if  I get my own hair done.  But anyways, I was a mean mom and I am just not ready to give full hair control over.  So she just got a trim.  She was very upset about the whole thing and carried on her pouty act for quiet awhile.  But she is fine now.


Cassie said...

Wow, you're brave! I only cut my boys' hair. Girl hair is too hard to make even!