Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas Ornaments 2010

The Moon Family does one of my favorite Christmas traditions.  Every year we exchange homemade Christmas ornaments.  I always dread the "what am I gonna do this year?" but I always love how they turn out and I absolutely love my collection of handmade ornaments.

Click Here to see my ornaments from last year.

This year I made reinker ornaments.  They were really easy and fun to make and even even Paul joined in on the fun and helped me make them.

You start off with a clear glass ornament and add about 20 drops of inkpad reinker.

Then you roll the ink around until the entire inside of the ornament is well coated.  You don't want to shake becasue that will create bubbles in the ink.

Then you let all of the access ink drain out into a cup or jar.

Then you fill the ornament with several TBS of super fine glitter.
Now you get to shake shake shake

Then you dump out the excess glitter and you have a very pretty, sparkly ornament

Paul and I had a lot of fun experimenting with different colored inks and glitters and all of the ornaments turned out beautiful. 


Barbra said...

I love, love, love the ornaments.