Halloween has always been a favorite holdiay of mine. I love the excitement of the kids getting to chosse whatever tehy want to be, that is as long as the cotstume doesn't make us broke.
DS really wasn't too picky about his costume he jsut really wanted to be something scary. He chose a monster/jailer costume. I'll give it to him. He was pretty scary!
D1 had a really har time choosing becasue she wanted to be every costume that she saw but finally decided on a bride. The red wig kind of happened by mistake cuz we were running out of time to get ready and a friend of mine said she had a wig. I love how it turned out. It fact she would make a good lookin red head!
D2 just wanted to be a princess. Didn't matter what color of dress or anything, jsut a princess. She chose the blue costume because of the ring that came with it. The ring became very importnat. In fact we thought we had lost it at the mall at one point and she paniced for a moment before it was found.
D3 was a fairy. Since she is 3 she really didn't care what she was so Dad actually picked it out for her. A friend of mine did her hair and it all turned out so cute.
DIY Mini Knitted Pumpkin Pattern
4 months ago
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