I know I am a week late but but better late then never, right?!

As usual the kids got way too much Halloween candy. So since Paul and I are such nice parents we have agreed to help our kids eat it!
Since Halloween was on a Saturday this year we actually got to spend the whole day together doing fun activities. We went to a shopping center in Holladay where the kids got their hair styled and colored, face painted, girls got their nails painted, Allie got a FREE haircut, and of course lots of candy. Then we went to the Sandy Mall and trick or treated and got TONS of candy. (The best part was it was all pretty good candy, not just the kiddie mix stuff you usually get.) Then we went trick or Treating in our own neighborhood and got even MORE candy! The kids had a ton of fun, and keep on the look-out for two larger butts walking down the street very soon!