Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School!

I can't believe how quickly the summer flew by. We had a pretty uneventful summer but we did have lots of fun! We were all pretty excited for the new school year to start. Liza is also going to preschool but she wont start for a couple more weeks.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Allie is 6

My not so little anymore, Allie turned 6 last week. It is crazy how fast my little ones grow even though I catch myself sometimes saying I wish they were just a little older so we could do this or that. She is such a fun, sweet and loving little girl. The next time I can't wait for them to grow up a little more I need to remember that when they are all grown up, I will just wish that they were still little enough to sit on my lap and give me huge hugs.
I better go get those hugs while I still can.
I Love ya Allie!